About Us

Community Engagement

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The Department of Community Engagement strives to improve communication access for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind residents of New Mexico by providing a broad range of services which include:

Professional Development Opportunities for Signed Language Interpreters

NMCDHH offers professional development opportunities and promotes events and programs offered by other entities.  Link to Professional Development.


Signed Language Interpreter Licensure

Providing guidance to interpreters and the community about New Mexico Interpreter Licensure requirements and processes and serve as the liaison from NMCDHH to the Signed Language Interpreting Practices Board.  Link to Licensure.


Communication Access Resources

Information about providing services such as interpreting and CART services.  Link to  Communication Access


Fact Sheets

A broad array of Fact Sheets on many topics are available.  Link to Fact Sheets


Social Media and Website

Sharing information with our constituents through our online presence including:


Communication Access

Coordinate communication access services for NMCDHH staff and events.


Special Projects

Coordinate a variety of special projects to increase our constituents’ access to legal, behavioral health, and other services.


Contract Management

Conducting Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for services to assist our constituents.


For additional information, please contact:

Trevor Brennan
Community Engagement Specialist