The NMCDHH Department of Community Advocacy provides advocacy services on an individual level and a systems level for individuals who face communication barriers in employment, government, legal, and business settings.
Additionally, communication barriers such as those commonly found in health care settings or other systems are addressed. NMCDHH further advocates by engaging in active legislative advocacy, ensuring that entities are in compliance with statewide and federal disability regulations and laws.
Awareness and educational trainings are also provided through the Community Education program, which can be found here.
Individual Advocacy
Individuals in need of advocacy services are assigned to a Community Advocacy Specialist who will provide one-on-one services to the client until the issue is resolved. Community Advocacy Specialists will advocate for effective communication access and coordinate services through other agencies to alleviate issues.
Systems Advocacy
Community Advocacy staff work with public and private entities to assure all consumers are provided effective communication access.
Request Advocacy Services
If you are need advocacy services or would like to share a story related to VRI services, please contact our Director of Community Advocacy, Corina Gutiérrez at Corina.Gutierrez@cdhh.nm.gov. Ms. Gutiérrez will assign your case to the appropriate member of her department staff.
Public Policy
Community Advocacy staff engage in legislative processes to assure that entities are in compliance with state and federal civil rights laws, and to work toward the passage of new statutes and regulations where necessary. NMCDHH advocates on an individual level and a systems level for individuals who face communication barriers in employment, government, legal, and business settings. Additionally, communication barriers such as those commonly found in health care settings or other systems are addressed.
Community Advocacy staff provide and referrals for school-to-college or school-to-work transitions. Please visit: Transition.
Advocacy involving VRI Issues
Have you had a poor experience with VRI in New Mexico? NMCDHH is gathering data regarding ineffective use of VRI and providing advocacy to assure our constituents are receiving effective communication access. Please contact us and share your stories. You are welcome to share your story in English or in ASL. See NMCDHH’s Position Statement on VRI on our website.