Loop People, Loop Places Speaker: Ginevra Ralph. Ginevra graduated from the University of Oregon with degrees in history and special education. She has been a disability rights advocate since the 1960’s and has taught students with profound cognitive and physical disabilities. In 2020 Ginevra received the 2020 HLAA “Get in the Hearing Loop” award. Ginevra will be following up on last month’s presentation given by Juliëtte Sterkens. February’s meeting will focus on the need for multiple additional strategies to enhance a hearing aid/ cochlear implants natural limitation. The presentation will also include how to take control of hearing better in our daily lives by using a personal hearing loop. Portable loops dramatically increase effective loop advocacy by instantly expanding the number and variety of places that are looped, as well as providing community outreach and education in an easy way. Ginevra will also be joined by Sue Prichard, Chair of the Loop Lane County Committee, who uses a personal loop daily.
Zoom Link for February 20: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211721773?pwd=YUtEVmJvMFJqckRheDhUUXBxN0pEZz09
See more info on the HLAA website.